Jason Scott | Graphic & Web Design
I’m a graphic designer based in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area with experience in art direction, print design, web design, branding, journalism and photography. I served eight years in the United States Army as an electronics technician and a public affairs specialist. I hold degrees in Biological Business Management from N.C. State and Graphic Design from East Carolina University.
Able & Co.: 2021-2022
Designed for a variety of diverse clients in a wide spectrum of media including print, web, social media, video, and animation. This included: developing brand standards and identity solutions; storyboarding, concepting, and executing video and animated pieces using Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro; conceptualizing, wireframing, and creating landing pages, E-Blasts, and websites using various CMS platforms such as WordPress, iContact, and HubSpot
NC Department of Public Instruction: 2018-2021
Worked with clients across the Department of Public Instruction to develop concepts and art for multiple simultaneous conferences and initiatives. This involved: creating logos, editorial layouts, large format graphic displays, and other printed pieces; working with the in-house production equipment and outside vendors to print, trim and bind high-quality, finished pieces for statewide distribution; collaborating with the web team and social media manager to develop graphics for the DPI website, social media platforms, and e-blasts
Cooke Communications, LLC: 2017-2018
Worked with the editors, sales team, and other designers on multiple overlapping projects, including: spearheading a complete rebrand of the monthly Her Magazine; art direction and concepting for Greenville: Life in the East and other publications; ad designs for outside organizations and in-house promotions
Washington Newsmedia, LLC: 2014-2017
Art direction and design for the Washington Newsmedia catalog. Responsibilities included: page layouts for The Washington Daily News and associated special sections; concepting and design for Washington Magazine, Healthy Living, and Profile Magazine; collaborating with photographers, reporters and interns to develop an aesthetic direction for content; coordinating with the editor, sales department, printers and the publisher to ensure multiple daily deadlines were met
BFA Graphic Design: East Carolina University — 2014
BS Biological Business: NC State — 2001