Three Things I Love About Being a Web Developer

“Website without visitors is like a ship lost in the horizon.”

― Dr. Christopher Dayagdag

Firstly, I would like to say what a web developer is in my own way. A web developer is someone who builds web sites for clients. As a web developer, a person needs to be artistic in the web layout and design of the elements used to show content on the website. I would say a web developer is an artist with code.
The three things I like most about being a web developer are:

1. The ability to work in various environments.
This is essential since the world has recently gone into chaos due to COVID-19, a highly infectious disease spreading throughout the entire world. That has killed so many people already. The ability to work in an office environment is great, but having the ability to also come out of that environment and work from home is greater for flexibility with time. It can also mean I am more productive. It also means a lower cost of going to an office and a lower cost of a company actually having to furnish an office space. Finally, of course, disease spread can be controlled since I would not be going into an office to interact.

2. Freelance opportunities.
While I can have a weekly job that I go to on a day-to-day basis, I can still freelance outside. This is an opportunity to make more cash. I can also pick and choose which jobs I want to do. Some web developers only work freelance and enjoy it more than being tied to one job. Freelancing is a great way to build a portfolio and get lots of experience while working.

3. Salary.
Of course, a reason to like web development would have to mean it pays well. According to, a web developer’s salary in North Carolina averages US$76,000 per year. With people who have less than a year of experience getting US$69,000 and those who have over 10 years of experience getting US$97,000. I am pretty sure adding some freelance work to this can increase those figures for both the newbies and the more experienced people. These figures should entice people to become web developers and start learning coding.


A web developer is an artist whose ink is code. For me, there are three motivations for being a web developer: It pays well to start with; I can work anywhere and do freelance work. If you want to learn more. Read my post on this.

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Rodney Bradshaw is currently a student at Wake Tech. He is currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Web Development. He hopes to be finished soon and start another degree program.

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