Considerations when selecting a WordPress Theme

about wordpress

I chose to build a website platform. Yeah! Now the difficult task: Which theme?
Choosing a WordPress theme is not a simple task. There are so many themes to choose from. Not only that, but the theme I choose is sometimes not the best fit, or it has the feature I am looking for in the premium version, not the free version. There are lots of themes that say they are free, only to be installed and later find out that only the basic features are free in the theme. After going back and forth and searching for what people are saying is best for a blog, a note to take is that those who say certain themes are best have some sort of benefit from saying that and cannot be trusted. I think I may just find a theme that is somewhat close to what I am looking for.

Things to note when selecting a theme:

  • What is the website going to be about?
  • Would I need to have blog sections later on?
  • The theme must be responsive.
  • Am I getting all the features in the free version of the theme?
  • How often is the theme updated?
  • Choose a simple theme if this is your first time choosing one.
  • Make sure the theme supports plugins.
  • Can I customize the theme without support?
  • SEO-Friendly Structure and Code.
  • Read the reviews.

After selecting the theme, the next thing to do is read the documentation on the theme. It helps to understand how to customize the site to your needs. I have also viewed a demo of the site. This helps give a full view of the potential of the theme and how it can look. After selecting a theme, you can now install it and test it on your server. If you are happy with what you have seen, then activate it. and start customizing.

Free Themes

When choosing a free theme, there are some limitations. These may include, but are not limited to: fewer features; the need to pay for premium content; and the need for lots of plugins. There are so many themes that are free, so what is a good theme? In this video, WPTuts shows five great totally free themes to choose from:

Five Free WordPress Themes

Vote for a Theme

After looking at the video above, you will have an idea of some great free themes. You can try out some of these themes and determine which of them may fit you. I would advise you to try them all first and kindly give a vote on which is your favorite. Thank you for your vote!

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Rodney Bradshaw is currently a student at Wake Tech. He is currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Web Development. He hopes to be finished soon and start another degree program.

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13 thoughts on “Considerations when selecting a WordPress Theme

  1. This is a super thoughtful post on choosing a theme. I like the free theme poll, too. Nice work!

  2. Hi Rodney,
    I had to comment on the setup of your media/content and your transitional wording, it is incredible and I, as the reader, could smoothly move from one point to another with ease! Great post and website! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is a really extensive post about choosing a theme. I also loved the idea of the poll towards the end as well.

  4. Hey, Rodney! Great post. I like how you listed out “Things to note when selecting a theme:.” It made this post look organized and made it easier to read. I love the poll at the end too – great idea.

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