Search Engine Optimization


Having a website all built and done, looking quite nice and very informative on its subject areas is one part. Now I need visitors to actually come to the site. In my quest to find the best Search Engine Optimizer (SEO). There have been three that are quite often showing up in the top positions and that cover my three necessary requirements for a plugin: high ratings, number of active installations, and the last time it was updated.

So what are the Three?

-Yoast SEO
-Rank Math SEO
-All in One SEO

Yoast SEO, I have seen and known this plugin before; it is quite one of the most popular ones on the market. It has five-star ratings and 5 million+ active installations, but it is costly when trying to get more out of it. It is also a very bulky plugin with lots of features, which I may never use. Hence, I decided not to go with this.
Rank Math SEO, which came out in 2018, is fairly new on the market; it has a five-star rating and 2 million+ active installs. I may be interested in this; it appears to be the plugin of choice now, but the cost is still a bit more.

All in One SEO, which was released in 2007, is showing 3 million+ active installations and 4 1/2-star ratings. The 4 1/2 star rating was some concern; this was out since 2007 and should be a better rating. I chose this since it was the oldest, the support was faster, and it cost less.

I installed and configured the plugin, but this plugin is already showing signs of the need to pay for premium services during the installation. After the installation, I noticed I had two extra dashboards. I also noticed I was seeing a report about eleven issues with my site. I checked my plugins, and there are three. I went on to setup, only to be asked for my credit card to be verified. After a few minutes, I am bombarded with email offers. This concerns me, since lots of businesses use this to trap a charge on your card. I decided this was not for me and uninstalled the plugin. I then decided to install Rank Math SEO instead; it was much easier, and I am seeing one extra dashboard for its settings. This feels like a plugin I would keep.


Rank Math SEO was the overall choice because it had easy installation, no asking for payment, no bombardment with email offers, and did what it said.

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Rodney Bradshaw is currently a student at Wake Tech. He is currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Web Development. He hopes to be finished soon and start another degree program.

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