A large image of the rooftops of the buildings on Main Street with old-fashioned black lampposts.
Register of Deeds
Gene P. Boger, Register of Deeds
Office Hours: 9AM - 5PM (excluding holidays)
Phone: (252)796-2901
Email: geneboger@tyrrellcounty.net
The Register of Deeds is an elected office serving a term of four years. The office exists primarily to enable the owner of an interest in property to give public notice of that ownership. The record notice in turn affords other persons interested in the property some protection against unknown transactions and secret liens. Various types of documents filed in the office are old land grants, deeds, deeds of trust, maps, leases, agreements and powers of attorney.
The Register of Deeds also issues birth, death and marriage certificates as well as marriage licenses.
Register of Deeds WebsiteTyrrell County Map
To view Tyrrell County parcels, please visit the Geographic Information System (GIS) site.