A large image of an aerial view of buildings, cars, and people on Main Street.

Public Safety

COVID-19 UPDATED: 4/23/22

For the safety of staff and the community, Tyrrell County Department of Social Services(TCDSS) has adjusted some operational procedures. The face-to-face requirements for many Social Services’ programs have been waived. Also, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) cases are being automatically extended by the State DSS for 6-12 months, depending on the current certification period.

Medicaid cases are NOT being terminated unless a client moves out of state or requests that the Medicaid be terminated. If you have had any changes, including income changes, please contact your TCDSS worker by phone to update. NC residents in need, and not currently receiving Medicaid or FNS benefits, can apply on ePASS.nc.gov or by completing a mail-in application. Applications are available at the agency or one can be mailed to you.

All procedures are subject to change at any time, depending on the direction of our County Leaders and The Department of Health and Human Services. Please contact TCDSS at 252-796-3421 with any questions or to speak with a staff member.

P-EBT Program

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Program provides benefits for families with free or reduced lunch.

P-EBT Information

Emergency Contacts


Jennifer Allen O'neal, EMS Director

  • 252-793-7636 (office)
  • 252-217-2244
  • joneal@washconc.org


Kevin Sawyer, Sheriff

  • 252-796-2251
  • ksawyer@tyrrellcso.com


Wesley Hopkins, Maintenance Supervisor/Emergency Management Coordinator

  • 252-796-1371, ext. 2613
  • weshopkins@tyrrellcounty.net


Cecil Lilley, Animal Control Officer

  • 252-766-0033
  • clilley@tyrrellcounty.net


Joie Spencer, Building Inspector, Fire Marshal, Ordinance Enforcement

  • 252-796-1371, ext. 2673
  • joies@tyrrellcounty.net


Joie Spencer, Building Inspector, Fire Marshal, Ordinance Enforcement

  • Emergency: 911
  • Non Emergency: 252-796-2251
  • Mailing Address
  • 618 Road St. Ext.
  • P. O. Box 45
  • Columbia, NC 27925